yoga alignment

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An Active Alignment Sequence for Misaligned Shoulders

If it hurts to raise your arms or lift things, like grocery bags, your shoulders may be misaligned. This strengthening workout can help restore your balance and full range of motion.

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An Active Alignment Sequence for a Misaligned Hip

If your pelvic girdle is even slightly off balance, it can mess up your whole skeletal structure, resulting in knee pain and other aches.

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The Surprising Factors That Contribute to Chronic Pain

Watch episode two of the new video series "Becoming Pain Free," to follow one man's journey in eliminating chronic pain naturally with the help of the Egoscue Method.

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Taking the First Steps Toward Pain-Free Living

In the new video series "Becoming Pain Free," follow one man's journey to eliminate chronic pain naturally with the help of the Egoscue Method.

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An Active Alignment Sequence to Correct Head and Neck Posture

A misaligned head and neck can lead to chronic pain. This routine will help correct your posture and avoid long-term discomfort.

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An Active Alignment Sequence for Feet and Femurs to Improve Posture

Alignment expert Pete Egoscue explains what it looks like to be misaligned and how to readjust your body to function more optimally and pain-free.

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The Powerful Ways Yoga Can Help with Posture

If practiced with attention and care, yoga can have significant positive effects on posture and alignment.

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The Muscle You’ve Never Heard of But Need to Know

Abs may get all the attention, but there's another major player that is just as crucial to strengthening your core and, interestingly enough, your spirit.

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How Important is Perfect Form in Fitness, Really?

It has been long drilled into our minds to focus on form to improve results and prevent injury. But is the so-called “correct” way to train the best way?

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How Your Feet Reveal Why You’re in Pain

If you experience chronic pain your foot alignment can likely provide clues about the source of discomfort and how you can heal.

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Car Exercises to Do During a Long Drive

Too much time in the car can make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. These simple movements will correct imbalances in your body and prevent pain.

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Simple Airplane Stretches for a Long Flight

Relieve the pain that inevitably creeps in during long flights with these simple stretches designed by alignment expert Pete Egoscue.

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