sleep advice

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18 Wellness Tips that We Loved in 2018

Every year, we collect pearls of wisdom from top experts on the frontlines of meditation, health, fitness, and nutrition. Here are our favorite insights that have most transformed the way we breathed, lived, and moved in 2018.

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Intense Anxiety Won’t Let Me Sleep

If negative thoughts and overwhelming fears are robbing you of rest, then read on to learn Sonima's psychologist's heartfelt advice on how to reclaim the night with peace of mind.

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A 10-Minute Meditation for Deep Sleep

Ready to go deeper? This next guided session from Sonima’s 12-Week Sleep Better Series will help you make the most of your bedtime hours so that you wake up feeling completely refreshed.

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A Meditation to Help You Prepare for Restful Sleep

Trouble sleeping? Listen to this 10-minute guided meditation—part one of Sonima's 12-Week Sleep Better Series—to get your mind and body ready for a peaceful night's rest.

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3 Ayurvedic Approaches to Curing Sleeplessness

As part of our Just Sit Series, holistic health expert Lisa Hedley shares Ayurvedic advice on how to catch quality shuteye if you find yourself staring at the ceiling far too often.

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The Aspects of Daily Life That Affect Sleep Quality

If you toss and turn at night, it's time to consider how some of your daytime activities play a role in degrading sleep quality.

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Are Your Exercise Habits Sabotaging Your Sleep?

Big fitness goals make you want to work extra hard. However, if you find yourself struggling to get quality sleep at night, you may be overtraining.

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8 Evening Snacks That Foster Better Sleep

Eating late at night isn’t always a bad idea. Follow these guidelines to ensure your before-bed bite doesn’t get in the way of a restful night.

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