natural remedies

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7 Home Remedies Your Doctor Wishes You’d Stop Using

Heading for the kitchen rather than the doctor's office may save time and money, but in some cases, you may only make matters worse. Learn which DIY treatments you should avoid.

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Why Are “Useless” Surgeries Still So Prevalent?

Science shows that many surgeries offer no real benefits to patients, but they are still performed widely. A pain expert examines how we got to this place and what can be done instead.

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4 Herbal Remedies That Are Potentially Dangerous

Natural herbs can be just as effective as OTC meds, but that doesn’t mean they come without risks. Find out which four might do more harm than good.

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The Best Remedies for Heartburn Relief

Acid reflux is an unpleasant sensation many people experience. Thankfully, there are plenty of natural remedies for heartburn relief.

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Tired All the Time? Try These Natural Energy Boosters

You don't have to feel drained on a daily basis. Here's how to keep your energy tank full. If you're running low right now, try these instant pick-me-ups.

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