healthy living

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The Simplest Change You Can Make for Better Health

Sitting isn't the problem. It's how you sit. When you prepare for the chair, sitting may actually burn calories and create energy.

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Desk Exercises for an Instant Energy Boost

These simple strategies will transform you from computer zombie to maximum vitality in less than a minute.

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Finding the Courage to Ask Others for Help

If you feel like a nuisance asking friends for help, it's important to speak up. Sonima's psychologist shares how to express your needs confidently and accept the response, whatever it is.

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8 Unexpected Benefits of Good Posture

Improved posture and balanced alignment have been linked to myriad wellness benefits. See for yourself!

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Qigong Might Be the Meditation Practice You Didn’t Know You Needed

This ancient energy practice may seem slow and boring, but it's actually quite challenging and can benefit your mind and body.

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Ayurveda’s Approach to 3 Chronic Conditions

Try a combination of lifestyle, diet, and herbal strategies from this ancient system of medicine to help prevent and manage joint diseases, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

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Why Kids Need More School Field Trips

Just outside the classroom, a living lab awaits where children not only learn but also develop a connection with nature that has the power to inspire the next generation to become leaders.

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32 Meal and Snack Recipes for Clean Eating

These mouthwatering meal and snack ideas from top food bloggers prove that healthy can also be incredibly delicious and easy.

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8 Must-Eat Foods for a Balanced Diet

Fill your plate with these delicious, nourishing foods that help your body function at its best so you can feel your best all year long.

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The Beautiful Symbiosis Between Ayurveda and Yoga

An in-depth look at the complementary relationship between these ancient systems, traditionally understood as two peas in a pod.

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Ayurveda’s Best Advice on Brain Health

Preserve your memory, intellect, and mental health long-term with these time-tested strategies.

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Should You Drink Wine?

The latest headlines are concerning, confusing, and contradicting when it comes to alcohol. Here's how to decide if you should pour that pinot.

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Sonima Holiday Gift Guide: 20 Of Our Favorite Things

Showing your gratitude shouldn't be stressful. That's why we created this shopping list of feel-good items to help make giving this holiday season a little simpler, healthier, and more fun.

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Can Cannabis Really Help You Heal?

As the legalization for medicinal marijuana continues to pass across the U.S.—31 states as of September 2018—we had to take a closer look at what exactly makes this particular shade of green good for you. Here's what we discovered.

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5 Essential Ayurvedic Herbs that Heal

Learn how the ancient practice of Ayurveda has been using nature to treat and help prevent health issues for millenniums.

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