full body workout

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Try This Awesome One-Song Workout

Workout music is such a great motivator. Here's one tune that will help you tune up your body in just a few minutes.

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Why You Should Ditch Traditional Exercises for Good

Forget the same-old approach to exercise you're used to doing at the gym. There's a better way to train for functional fitness and maximum results.

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An 8-Minute Workout for Total-Body Transformation

This form-focused, low-intensity workout engages the entire body to strengthen muscles and kick the metabolism into high gear.

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The 60-Second Cardio Workout

These 60-second workouts are the perfect way to stay fit and alert when you don't have time to get to the gym.

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The Most Important Element Missing From Your Workout

You have all the right gear, the best gym and even a topnotch personal trainer, but still you're not seeing results. What gives? Here's what might be keeping you from reaching your fitness goals.

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Unlock Your Body’s Fullest Potential with Patch Fitness

Obsessing over perfect form at the gym might not make you fitter or less prone to injury. In fact, letting your body move more naturally could be help you get in the best shape ever while reducing your risk of overall pain.

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6 Tabata Workouts That Torch Fat

In a hurry? Good news: All you need is four minutes. Try one of these power-packed sessions for a fast fat-blasting, cardio boost. Be sure to bring your A-game; they're tough!

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20-Minute Hotel Room Workout for Busy Travelers

Staying in shape on the road can be challenging. Squeeze in this 20-minute hotel room workout so you can feel fit and healthy wherever your travels take you.

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7 Essential Exercises for Pregnant Women

Doing these daily movements during your first trimester will help increase the likelihood of a healthy, natural childbirth free of complications.

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The 3×3 Full-Body Workout

Looking for a fast and easy way to add a workout to your daily schedule? Follow this simple fitness plan that’s made of three principle exercise moves.

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A Partner Workout to Help You Get Fit Together

Take a break from cuddling on the couch to do this fast 15-minute couples workout that will not only make you fitter but also bring you closer together.

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A Quick Workout for Busy Moms

When you have kids it can feel impossible to get to the gym. Consider adding these simple exercises to your daily routine to get a workout in the time you have.

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A Toning Pilates Sequence to Stabilize the Lower Body

Experience this creative spin on a classic workout that'll increase strength, flexibility, and tone in the lower body.

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A Quick Jump Rope Workout

If you only want to own one piece of exercise equipment, a jump rope is it. Do these jump rope exercises anywhere, anytime and get fitter in no time.

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The Strong and Lean Workout

Add this lean body workout to your exercise routine to build strength, power, and your fittest body ever.

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