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Pain-Free Reading: The (Updated) New Book from Pete Egoscue!

Egoscue’s dynamic new update of his groundbreaking postural therapy method to relieve chronic pain is an essential read.

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The 60-Second Cardio Workout

These 60-second workouts are the perfect way to stay fit and alert when you don't have time to get to the gym.

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What Causes Vertigo? How Posture Plays a Role

This mysterious condition can be hard to treat when you don’t understand the cause, but the solution could be simpler than you realize.

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Why Are “Useless” Surgeries Still So Prevalent?

Science shows that many surgeries offer no real benefits to patients, but they are still performed widely. A pain expert examines how we got to this place and what can be done instead.

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A Strength-Building Workout for the Third Trimester

Activate key muscles for a healthy and safe delivery with this 20-minute workout.

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A Restorative Cool-Down for After Walking

Improve the efficiency of your workout and prevent pain and injury with this 20-minute cool-down routine after your next walk.

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A Full-Body Warm-Up for Before Walking

Improve the efficiency of your workout and prevent pain and injury with this 15-minute warm-up routine for before your next walk.

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A Pregnancy Workout for the Second Trimester

Active moms are not only healthier, happier, and better rested during pregnancy, but also more likely to give birth naturally. Use this second trimester workout to stay fit for labor.

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A Body-Balancing Exercise Routine for Drivers

These simple exercises for drivers will rebalance the body and release key areas of tension so you can ride comfortably every day.

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An Active Alignment Sequence for Misaligned Shoulders

If it hurts to raise your arms or lift things, like grocery bags, your shoulders may be misaligned. This strengthening workout can help restore your balance and full range of motion.

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20-Minute Hotel Room Workout for Busy Travelers

Staying in shape on the road can be challenging. Squeeze in this 20-minute hotel room workout so you can feel fit and healthy wherever your travels take you.

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“I Healed My Chronic Pain Naturally in 8 Weeks”

Watch episode eight of the new video series "Becoming Pain Free," to follow one man's journey to heal chronic pain naturally with the help of the Egoscue Method.

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An Active Alignment Sequence for a Misaligned Hip

If your pelvic girdle is even slightly off balance, it can mess up your whole skeletal structure, resulting in knee pain and other aches.

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The Power of Your Mindset in Healing Chronic Pain

Watch episode seven of the new video series "Becoming Pain Free," to follow one man's journey in healing chronic pain naturally with the help of the Egoscue Method.

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How the “Patch” Workout Aids in Pain Relief

Watch episode six of the new video series "Becoming Pain Free," to follow one man's journey in eliminating chronic pain naturally with the help of the Egoscue Method.

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