workout videos

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An Active Alignment Sequence for Misaligned Shoulders

If it hurts to raise your arms or lift things, like grocery bags, your shoulders may be misaligned. This strengthening workout can help restore your balance and full range of motion.

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20-Minute Hotel Room Workout for Busy Travelers

Staying in shape on the road can be challenging. Squeeze in this 20-minute hotel room workout so you can feel fit and healthy wherever your travels take you.

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An Active Alignment Sequence for a Misaligned Hip

If your pelvic girdle is even slightly off balance, it can mess up your whole skeletal structure, resulting in knee pain and other aches.

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The 3×3 Full-Body Workout

Looking for a fast and easy way to add a workout to your daily schedule? Follow this simple fitness plan that’s made of three principle exercise moves.

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A Partner Workout to Help You Get Fit Together

Take a break from cuddling on the couch to do this fast 15-minute couples workout that will not only make you fitter but also bring you closer together.

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An Active Alignment Sequence to Correct Head and Neck Posture

A misaligned head and neck can lead to chronic pain. This routine will help correct your posture and avoid long-term discomfort.

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A Quick Workout for Busy Moms

When you have kids it can feel impossible to get to the gym. Consider adding these simple exercises to your daily routine to get a workout in the time you have.

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Pain-Relieving Exercises for People Who Stand All Day

It may be tempting to kick up your feet the minute you get home, but don't sit down just yet. This relaxing workout will help prevent pain or injuries from your physically-demanding job.

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A Quick Jump Rope Workout

If you only want to own one piece of exercise equipment, a jump rope is it. Do these jump rope exercises anywhere, anytime and get fitter in no time.

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The Strong and Lean Workout

Add this lean body workout to your exercise routine to build strength, power, and your fittest body ever.

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The Best Warm-Up and Cool-Down Stretches for Runners

Looking to take your running performance to the next level? There's no doubt that these warm-up and cool-down stretches for runners will improve your overall fitness, agility, and range of motion in no time.

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A Pilates Sequence to Sculpt Your Abs from All Angles

Try this core-activating Pilates workout at home or after your typical exercise routine to tighten the abs and increase muscle stamina.

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Balancing Warm-Up and Cool-Down Exercises for Golfers

These simple stretching exercises for golfers can improve fitness and flexibility, promoting your most fluid full swing and setting you up for a great day on the course.

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The 10-Minute After-Work Workout

New science suggests that office workers need to stand up for at least two hours a day to improve their health. This quick after-work workout helps you add extra time on your feet after a long day in your seat.

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The Wall and Floor Workout

Challenge yourself with this full-body exercise routine to feel stronger, fitter, and more energized in no time!

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