mobility workout

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The Core Challenge Workout

Prepare your body for any physical challenge with this invigorating core-strengthening workout.

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A Pilates Sequence to Sculpt Your Abs from All Angles

Try this core-activating Pilates workout at home or after your typical exercise routine to tighten the abs and increase muscle stamina.

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4 Gyrotonic Moves That Take Traditional Exercises Up a Notch

Discover the benefits of this physical exercise and therapeutic system, which helps activate the muscles and sooth discomfort in the joints.

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Balancing Warm-Up and Cool-Down Exercises for Golfers

These simple stretching exercises for golfers can improve fitness and flexibility, promoting your most fluid full swing and setting you up for a great day on the course.

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The 10-Minute After-Work Workout

New science suggests that office workers need to stand up for at least two hours a day to improve their health. This quick after-work workout helps you add extra time on your feet after a long day in your seat.

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Warm-Up and Cool-Down Exercises for Cyclists

Try these stretches before and after you get on your bike to open up the body and prevent pain while riding.

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The New Mobility Workout

Switch up your usual workout routine by trying this mobility sequence that promotes postural balance.

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The Quick Athlete Workout

This short routine is for anyone looking to improve athleticism and overall fitness.

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12-Minute Cardio Fitness Workout

You don't have to go running to get a cardio workout. This simple at-home routine will get your heart pumping as you improve alignment and mobility.

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A Workout Routine for Strength and Stability

Get your body moving and heart pumping with this surprisngly challenging workout routine to improve your body's strength and stability.

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The Radical Healing Effects of Water

Water gives us life and has been recognized for its therapeutic properties for centuries. Here’s how you can tap the power of the aquatic for optimal well-being.

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The All Together Workout

Up your heart rate and bolster team spirit with this group workout, designed by alignment expert Pete Egoscue.

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A Core-Strengthening Cardio Workout

Invigorate the whole body with this challenging cardiovascular workout that will strengthen your abs and pump up your endurance in time for spring.

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The Follow the Leader Workout

Grab some friends and enjoy this collaborative workout designed to get your heart pumping and develop strength in a group setting.

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The Power Plyo Workout

This plyometric workout conditions your body through jump training and stability work that will help you become stronger and more agile.

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