Elev8d Fitness by Sonima

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The 3 Dynamic Exercises You Should Do Every Morning

Mornings are the ideal time to create a habit that sticks. Start your day with this simple sequence that aligns the body and boosts endorphins.

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The #1 Most Overlooked Muscle in Your Workout

Elev8d Fitness workouts are designed to activate the psoas and the hip flexors. When you return power to the hips, the rest of the body shifts into alignment and can operate at max efficiency.

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3 Best Exercises for Total-Body Fitness

The key to total-body fitness is diversity of movement and range of motion. Try these 3 simple exercises to activate core muscle groups and promote total body symmetry and strength.

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Sleep Better Tonight with This 90-Second Workout

For better sleep, get moving more. Here’s a perfect pre-sleep workout for quality zzzs tonight.

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