At the fifth annual Robin Hood Investors Conference in New York City this October, posture and movement expert Pete Egoscue took the stage to discuss the Egoscue Method, a fitness and alignment program designed to promote pain-free living without the use of drugs, surgery or manipulation. In this exclusive video, shared only with Sonima, you can learn more about how Egoscue approaches problem-solving chronic pain in theory and in practice.

“You want to solve the problem. You don’t want to treat the symptom,” Egosue says. “Don’t treat the parts. Treat the body as a unit. That’s why pain management doesn’t work. Even if you manage to mitigate the symptom with drug therapy or some other technique, it always comes back because you’re not asking why.”

Watch this 25-minute video to learn more about asking the right questions to get to the source of the problem in order to really solve it and start living a pain-free life.

Related: The #1 Move to Do for a Pain-Free Body


>>This footage is courtesy of the Robin Hood, one of the world’s largest, most effective organizations in fighting poverty.
